When is a buyers agent the right choice for you?

In what situation may a buyers agent be the right choice for you?

You may be in one of the following more unusual situations, such as:

  • You may be living abroad, possibly in a different time zone and finding it hard to coordinate the search and purchase of a property in Dublin.

  • You live or have lived outside of Dublin or Ireland for a long period and no longer have the familiarity with the city that would allow you feel comfortable buying property here.

  • You are going through a significant life change such as divorce and don't have the bandwidth to coordinate a property purchase.

  • You wish to buy for investment but are not familiar with all of the issues involved.

  • You are a first time buyer and would like the comfort of working with an experienced property buyer.

Click below to book a 15 Minute Intro call with Breffnie and find out more!

Catherine Crean

Freelance Web, Digital Marketing and SEO Pro's - Based in Dublin, Ireland


Thinking About Buying a Home In Dublin? What you need to know


Why use A Property Finding Agent?